- Address: Inukami River.
- Hobby: walking around.
- Favorite: revolving things
DJ Kerog
- DJ plays every Friday Nite at Club Soganuma.
- Recently he got his own homepage.
- Special play: Kero-kero-Q !
- The shopkeeper (master) of "Cafe Kaeru".
- Gentle and reticent, but the script of the menu sounds friendly.
- He seems to have some connection with the deep Geisya culture.
- Everynight he brows out the Hell Road and the Lakeside.
- Favorite tunes: nusery songs, gymnastics tunes
- I' m a grebe on Lake Biwa.
- Lake Biwa was once called "the lake of grebe"
- "Nio" means a grebe in old Japanese.
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