Kaeru-san Lakeside

by EV and Yuko Nexus6

(The titles not linked have not been translated in English. Sorry!)

March March

Ch. 1 : Incredible Rescue
Ch. 2 : Spring fair of Mashiya
Ch. 3 : Twins of spring

on April April

Ch. 4 : Athletic on the leaf
Ch. 5 : Dead or Alive! in Club Soganuma
Ch. 6 : Funahashi Library
Ch. 7 : Power stone
Ch. 8 : Gumi-gumi thing
Ch. 9 : Get frog at the Lake Biwa Show!
Ch. 10 : Water came into the paddy field.

on May May

Ch. 11 : Blow out the lakeside!
Ch. 12 : You' re not the same under the reverse
Ch. 13 : You jump, I swim
Ch. 14 : Beer festival at the factory

on JuneJune

Ch. 15 : I got the poem
Ch. 16 : What a smell

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